Monday, 21 August 2017

Day Two

After our lead skipper assured us that the weather was all set to be fine for the next two weeks we were surprised to awaken to lashing wind and rain at about am, dripping in through the open hatches that were letting in any sort of breeze from hot night before. This luckily was very short lived and by mid morning all was beautiful and clear again.  We had full briefings at 9, 10 and 11 am.  am Navigation meeting, 10 am 30 minute lesson on how to sail the boat, 11 am 20 minute lesson on the workings of a boat engine and how the toilet flushes.

12 noon we set sail, 12.05 we had to call the rescue boat as when winding in our anchor it caught another boats anchor.  We were re-assured that this happens a lot when moored close together.  After we had freed the anchor we were off, finally a chance to experience some sailing.  We powered out of the harbor and got some good distance in with the engine before deciding to try our luck with the sails.  As it was the first day we decided to just use the main sail while we got a feel for things initially with the sail reefed and as we got more confident letting more of the sail out.  

Our first trip was a very short hop to a boat only access bay.  The water was very clear and it was quite busy with other boats and pleasure craft.  We didn't have long  but it was just enough time to get some snorkeling in before making our way to the evenings destination in Sivota.  We were guided stern first into a very tight spot between two other boats from the same company so luckily they didn't mind a bit of shunting. 

This day was perfectly finished off with a Greek meal with all of the other boats from the Flotilla.  Again outside in the warm evening air. Everyone came along to this, it was great to meet everyone properly and hear about their adventures and misadventures.  


  1. Wow that looks amazing, you already look like you have had some sun. Go Warburton's sounds like you are getting stuck in, good luck with the sailing tomorrow xx

  2. Is this Kiki from the BVI?
    Yes looks good so far! Good to Skype with you all just now 😊
